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SK Brings a Forest to Las Vegas to Show What a World Without Carbon Could Look Like

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SK created at CES a forest pavilion to stress the importance of working together to reduce carbon emissions.

At CES 2022, SK Group companies offered both a pledge and an invitation to address climate change.

SK’s pledge was bold as it committed to eliminate 200 million tons of carbon emissions across its businesses by 2030. That’s about 1 percent of the reductions needed to reach global targets. To reach the group target, SK companies plan to invest $85 billion in environmentally friendly businesses.

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The booth showcased the positive effects for the environment and world by achieving goals to reduce and eliminate carbon emissions.

SK’s invitation, though, was even more important as it urged CES participants, the broader business community and the world at large to join SK on its net zero journey.

Inspiration from the Forest

This pledge and invitation were brought to life through SK’s CES 2022 exhibit, dubbed the “Green Forest Pavilion.” The booth showed visitors a world where carbon emissions are reduced and eventually eliminated.

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Visitors were able to learn about ways carbon emissions can be reduced as they wound their way through the interactive exhibit.

The SK exhibit delivered a powerful visual message by recreating in Las Vegas a forest located in Korea’s Indeung Mountain. Known for its birch trees, Indeung Mountain is a special place for SK. In the1970s, former SK Group Chairman Jong-hyon Chey launched a reforestation effort to amplify the group’s commitment to having a positive impact on society.

The Path to Net Zero

This commitment to being a good steward to the world continues today. At CES, attendees were able to wind their way through SK’s green forest to learn first-hand how to achieve a net-zero world. Along the way, the booth showcased areas where SK companies and their partners are developing new technologies and innovations to support the net zero goal. These include:

  • Clean sources of energy such as the EV batteries made by SK On and the hydrogen infrastructure being pioneered by SK E&S to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels
  • Energy efficient solutions in our everyday lives including power-saving computer chips from SK Telecom, advanced semiconductor materials from SK Siltron that help electric vehicles go further on every charge and investments in companies like Halio, which makes smart glass that helps buildings become more energy efficient
  • Healthier options for the planet and society including SK Inc. investments in alternative food companies, such as Perfect Day and Nature’s Fynd, that have created a global food supply chain that produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions
  • Eco-friendly packaging from SK Geo Centric and SKC that can be fully recycled or reused to reduce waste in our landfills
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SK highlighted ways that its companies and partners were helping reduce their environmental impact, including EV batteries, reusable cups and smart glass for buildings.

Collective Effort is Required

For SK, the journey to net zero has only just begun. Its investments and goals, though, will only be meaningful as part of a collective effort. SK hopes its CES exhibit can play a part in helping kick-start a broader movement in the global business community to take ambitious actions to achieve a net-zero world.

You can read more about the exhibit in these CES posts from SK Innovation and SK hynix.

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