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Building a Stronger Future

SK develops cutting-edge solutions that are shaping a more advanced tomorrow

Sk hynix chip traces
Driving Shared Growth

SK is committed to building greater economic and social well-being

Factory overhead full
Committed to Communities

SK unlocks new opportunities for communities across the U.S.


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SK By the Numbers: U.S. Operations

  • Sk btn employees still 2x Sk btn employees still 2x
    Number of Employees


    Number of employees in Bay County as of the first quarter of 2023

  • Sk btn jobs still 2x Sk btn jobs still 2x
    Skilled Jobs


    Of new employees will be skilled workers and 30% of new employees will be engineers

  • Sk btn investment still 2x Sk btn investment still 2x


    Invested $300 million to add a second R&D and manufacturing facility in Bay County

  • Sk btn innovation still 2x Sk btn innovation still 2x


    Number of power chips that can be made from a single 6-inch diameter wafer manufactured by SK Siltron CSS or enough chips to support the power systems of up to eight EVs

  • Sk btn employees still 2x Sk btn employees still 2x
    Employee Growth


    Approximately 2,600 employees work at SK On’s Commerce plants on an annual basis

  • Sk btn investment still 2x Sk btn investment still 2x
    SK Investment


    Invested $2.6 billion to complete the construction of two EV battery plants

  • Sk btn facility still 2x Sk btn facility still 2x

    2.7M ft²

    Size of both plants, combined. The length of each plant equals 13 football fields

  • Sk btn belt still 2x Sk btn belt still 2x
    Production Capacity


    The plants will have the capacity to produce enough battery cells to supply more than 300,000 EVs per year

Learn more

Across the U.S., SK is investing in businesses and expanding our local operations.